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At OAA, anyone has the opportunity to pursue apprenticeships, which are training programs that allow them to gain practical skills and knowledge in a trade or profession. Instead of

continuing with further academic education, you can choose to enter the workforce and receive hands-on training from experienced professionals. Apprenticeships provide a valuable learning experience , where you can acquire industry-specific skills, gain real world working experience and potentially earn a salary while learning. This alternative pathway allows you to start your careers earlier and offers increased job prospects in your chosen field.



At Olifantsfontein Artisans Academy, you have the opportunity to explore the captivating world of apprenticeships ranging from Plumbing, Electrical and Welding! These initiatives act as a gateway to acquiring practical skills directly from experts. Say goodbye to traditional textbooks – immerse yourself in the working environment, gain practical experience, and earn while you acquire knowledge. It's a swift route to launching your career and accessing a multitude of job prospects!

Our Apprenticeships

Don't know which career to choose? We have the answer! At OAA, anyone has the opportunity to pursue apprenticeships, which are training programs that allow them to gain practical skills and knowledge in a trade or profession.

Instead of continuing with further academic education, you can choose to enter the workforce and receive hands-on training from experienced professionals.

Apprenticeships provide a valuable learning experience , where you can acquire industry-specific skills, gain real world working experience and potentially earn a salary while learning. This alternative pathway allows you to start your careers earlier and offers increased job prospects in your chosen field.

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Term Three

  • Enrolment for 2024 is now open!

  • We offer Plumbing, Electrical and Welding Trades

  • 1 x Certified I.D Copy to apply

  • Three Years Duration 


  • 9 Months Institutional Training,

  • ARPL

  • Section 26D Red Seal Trade Test

  • 3 Year Logbook

  • On The Job Training

  • Earn a Salary While You Study!

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76 Major Street, CRC Building, Clayville East, Olifantsfontein, 1666

081 723 9916 / 011 203 4030 / 076 080 0535 / 067 979 7441

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Opening Hours

Monday - Thursday

09:00 am – 3:00 pm



09:00 am – 12:00 pm

09:00 am – 13:00 pm


© 2015 by OAA Training Centre.

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